
CONSPA President Message
Alcide Guzman
/ Categories: CONSPA

CONSPA President Message

President Message

September has been a very busy month! Perhaps the late winter and slow start is balancing out with a roaring fall season? That’s what it looks like from here. How Bob Russell - VP Pool Servicesabout you? We’d love to hear from you! Please consider attending our membership meetings (next one is September 30 in Southbury) and also visit our website! While there, check out the licensed contractor locator tool, if for no other reason to make sure your company information is up to date!

In brief, here are some highlights from the busy summer and upcoming important events and education opportunities:

  1. The CONSPA golf tournament, August 27 at Traditions of Wallingford- : First, I’ll take off my golf hat and salute Mike Giannamore and his team for what was really a great event all around. The tournament was sold out! With 104 golfers, great membership attendance and a host of very generous supporters and sponsors. Together we raised $6,000. for Children Of Fallen Patriots- a foundation that is run brilliantly with 100% of donation monies going to provide scholarships for sons and daughters of parents who lost their lives defending freedom around the globe in our military. Great cause! Great day of fun! Let’s do it again next year!
  2. September Membership Meeting- With the “General Permit for the Discharge of Swimming Pool Wastewater” updated you’ll want to attend and hear what has changed- it will effect your business! Also we will review SP laws including Trainee programs now required. Don’t forget the brilliant networking and good food! 
  3. Education- for a full schedule check out our website! Here are some highlights from Education Chair Ron Falcioni of Darien Pools:
    1. On August 19 we ran re-testing for the CMS exam for Spanish and English.
    2. CONSPA ran a Winterizing and Off Season Maintenance class on August 19th with 46 attendees. Our Instructors were Bob Russell, Brian Diglio and Ron Falcioni. Class evaluations gave a rating of very good, with some helpful suggestions for future classes.
    3. Since the winterizing class was very successful we anticipate running a pool opening class next spring with a half day for Spanish and half in English.
    4. Certified Pool Building Professionals Class: Will run October 21 – 24th at NESPA headquarters, with Chris Lightenberg instructing. Followed by Builders Review for exam preparation.
    5. Continuing Education: For SP1 & 2s as well as Builders will be on October 29th in Southbury, Instructors will include Paulette Pitrak and our own Rob Romano.
    6. CMS class # 4 for 2014 will be run the week of November 3rd in Southbury.            
    7. OSHA Job Site Safety Training: December 8th - four hour program including Off- Season Maintenance and Waste Water Discharge Permit.
    8. The Pool & Spa Show in Atlantic City: January 27 – 29th
    9. World of Concrete: Las Vegas February 2 – 6th
    10. National Plasters Council: Phoenix AZ. February 9 – 15th
    11. CPO Spanish: New Haven, November 11 & 12
    12. CPO English: New Haven , December 3 & 4
      1. For further information contact the CONSPA Chapter Administrator or visit our website.
  4. For help locating standards and upcoming class schedule- check out

    Thank you for reading!
    Stay safe out there! 
    All the best!
    Bob Russell
    CONSPA President
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