Metro Chapter Sponsorship

Stand out from the crowd – be recognized as an industry leader!

Gain visibility with over 310 member companies in the New York/New Jersey region and their staff. 

Sponsor Package Benefits 

Company Logo Placement on Website
Year long industry visibility by displaying your logo on the Front Page of the Metro Chapter Website.

Logo on Communications
Maximize your exposure with recognition on chapter wide electronic communications. (distribution list exceeds 1200 contacts)

Design Awards/Holiday Party Sponsorship
Includes one category partnership. Full page ad placement in holiday program and acknowledgement in introduction speech.

Golf Outing Sponsorship
Golf outing sponsorship includes program ad and tee sign.

Event Advertisement
Gain added event promotion by having one of your company events advertised on the Metro Chapter Calendar with a click through to your company website.

Sign up to sponsor a Metro Chapter Event and gain visibility for your organization and products.  You provide the subject matter expert to speak on relevant industry topics and we provide a venue, brand recognition on communications and the opportunity to get in front of members. 

Price for package:
$750 Members
$950 Non Members

Sponsor OnlineDownload a flier and registration form.

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